The ImapMessageInfo type exposes the following members.


Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type. GetHashCode()()()() is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkGetHeaderParsingErrors
Gets an array containing errors that occurred during message headers parsing.
Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkGetKeywords
Gets the list of keywords (custom flags) associated with the message.
Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkGetParts
Returns a list of message parts. This includes body views, attachments and linked resources.
Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkGetRawHeaders
Returns the raw form of the message headers, if available.
Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkBcc
Gets the list of addresses of recipients that are not to be revealed to other recipients of the message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkBodyHtml
Gets the HTML body of the message, or an empty string if no HTML body was retrieved
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkBodyParsingError
Gets an error that occurred during message body parsing.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkBodyText
Gets the text body of the message, or an empty string if no text bodywas retrieved.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkCC
Gets the list of addresses of others who are to receive the message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkDate
Gets the origination date of this message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkFlags
Gets the message flags.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkFrom
Gets the list of authors of this message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHasAttachment
Returns a value indicating whether the message has an attachment (or more attachments).
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHasBodyHtml
Gets the value indicating whether the HTML body of the message was retrieved.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHasBodyText
Gets the value indicating whether the text body of the message was retrieved.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHasResources
Returns a value indicating whether the message has a linked resource (or more linked resources).
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHeaders
Gets the list of headers of this entity.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkHeadersParsingError
Gets an error that occurred during message headers parsing.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkInReplyTo
Gets the list of identifiers of messages to which the message is a reply.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsAnswered
Returns true if the Flags property contains the Answered flag.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsDeleted
Returns true if the Flags property contains the Deleted flag.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsDraft
Returns true if the Flags property contains the Draft flag.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsFlagged
Returns true if the Flags property contains the Flagged flag.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsRecent
Returns true if the ImapMessageFlags property contains the Recent flag. This flag is set if the message has arrived during the current session and it is the first active session to see the message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsSeen
Returns true if the Flags property contains the Seen flag. This flag is set if the message has been read.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkIsSignedOrEncrypted
Returns a value indicating whether the message is signed or encrypted.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkLength
Gets the length of the message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkMessageId
Gets the unique identifier of the message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkReceivedDate
Gets the received date of this message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkReplyTo
Gets the list of addresses that should receive replies to this message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSender
Gets the sender of this message. May be null.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSequenceNumber
Gets the message sequence number.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkSubject
Gets the subject of the message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkTo
Gets the list of addresses of primary recipients of the message.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkUniqueId
Gets the message unique ID (case-sensitive string). Note that it can contain a slash '/' - unsuitable to be used as a filename.
Public propertySupported by the .NET Compact FrameworkValidFields
Returns a bit mask specifying which fields are valid.

See Also